Welcome to the Research Department
I am working as Head, Research Department of MCSRC since july 2016 and privileged to be associated with this institute which is imparting world class treatment to cancer patients at affordable cost. The working environment of scientists, other support staff of the department, supporting staffs is very effective for in-depth research. The lab infrastructure is excellent with state of art instruments for research in clinical research as well as research in genetics of cancer.
I welcome all the Scientists, Researchers and Students who want to pursue research training from this esteemed institute. They will be supported by high class academic education and support in research training.
I'm most proud of the blessings that God has bestowed upon me to serve MCSRC in my life time.
Prof. Ashok Kumar Ghosh
Research Overview |
MCSRC Research Themes |
In order to harness the full potential of its investigative efforts, the Research Centre organizes research along seven cohesive themes:
1. Cancer Research |
Our Research team is committed to stride world class research work on cancer. Our dedicated team is not only engaged in the Human cancer Research to know the etiology of the disease but also has discovered various Anti-Cancer drugs in animal model study. Our recent findings have been published in Nature Journal- Scientific Reports. |
2. Gall Bladder Cancer Research |
Gallbladder adenocarcinoma is one of the lethal cancers in human owing to both late presentation and an aggressive natural history. Northern and eastern states of India along the banks of river Ganga witness an exceptionally high incidence of Gall Bladder cancer. It is this Gangetic belt that is known to have very high levels of Arsenic in ground water, sometimes as high as 10-100 times permissible limits set by the WHO for water safe for human consumption. The department of Surgical Oncology and Research Centre have undertaken a study to find a link between raised arsenic level in water and Gall bladder cancer. This study probably will direct us to better understanding of arsenic related risk factors in subset of population at risk. |
3. Breast Cancer Research |
Globally, Breast cancer is a commonly diagnosed cancer among women (159 out of 185 countries). Breast cancer accounts for about 11•7% (2,261,419) of all new cancer cases diagnosed among women in 2020, and 6•9% (684,996) of all cancer related deaths among women in 2020 worldwide. According to GLOBOCAN 2020,2 breast cancer is responsible for increased mortality among women in India, with an estimated 13,24,413 of all new cancer cases and 13•5% (1,78,361) of new breast cancer cases. India was ranked third amongst the countries with highest number of breast cancer cases in 2018 affecting all age groups (19 to 85). Women in older age groups are at increased risk to breast cancer and even more with a family history. Hence, we are committed to carry out the research work to know the etiology of cancer in Bihar. In this regard, we are conducting study with surgical oncology department of MCSRC. |
4. Bladder and Kidney Cancer Research |
In the state of Bihar, the incidences of bladder cancer and renal cancer has increased many folds in the recent times. MCSRC is conducting a collaborative research work with University of LEEDS and University of Manchester UK through the Wellcome Project.
5. EGFR/ ALK mutation |
• More than 70% lung cancer cases are unresectable consequently present clinically in advanced stage. Thus, getting a lung biopsy is very difficult either from Bronchoscopic guided or CT guided as pneumothorax and bleeding complications may arise. Those cases are rejected for analysis of EGFR / ALK mutation analysis.
• We developed a method in which Biopsy is not required for EGFR/ ALK Testing in Lung Cancer Patients. We are using FNAC slide to detect DNA of EGFR mutations & RNA in ALK fusion gene. Detection through FNAC slide is a unique technique & other diagnostic centres are unable to perform. It's a great relief for Lung cancer patients & Doctors.
• FISH probes is the gold standard for the detection of EML4-ALK. It has been seen that due to the relatively high cost, limited availability, and technical complexity of FISH, IHC can be carried out as a screening method and FISH may be reserved for cases with equivocal results.
• But in Mahavir Cancer Sansthan and Research Centre we are offering EGFR & EML4- ALK at relatively cheaper price to patients through Real Time PCR probe technology.
• The EML4-ALK fusion gene is seen in approximately 5% of LADC (Lung Adenocarcinoma) cases & we are detecting efficiently this fusion even from FNAC slide ( as FNAC allows obtaining a higher number of tumor cells with less stroma) through RT PCR.
6. Cervical cancer and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Research |
HPV is the causative agent in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. Conventional test for genital HPV infection requires collection of genital scrapped cervical cells or biopsy specimen which involves invasive procedures in a clinic. Such invasive procedures are not feasible for a large-scale population screening, hence validated Noninvasive Urine based HPV DNA test for screening of cervical cancer in large population and HPV vaccine monitoring in women.
Noninvasive Urine based HPV DNA test procedure is also presented in Molecular Oncology Society Conference held on 22nd February 2020 at Patna and appreciation of work was marked by awarding best Paper Presentation in the conference.
Further research work is going on etiology of HPV infection through urine in the following subjects.
1. Sex workers.
2. Married women
3. Unmarried women
4. Adolescent girls
5. Uncircumcised male
6. Circumcised male
7. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) and BCRABL gene |
The reciprocal translocation of the ABL gene on chromosome 9 to the BCR on chromosome 22 creates a transcriptionally active, chimeric BCR-ABL gene which is the hallmark of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Role of PCR in diagnosis and disease monitoring is well established. According to guideline disease must be monitored on every three months by quantitative PCR, but due to high testing cost patients are unable to do the test as per guidelines. Consequently, titration of drugs remained difficult and patient suffer from drug resistant or disease burden. Therefore, research work is going on
1. To minimize the cost of quantitative PCR test
2. Etiology of fusion of proteins.
8. Fluoropyrimidines toxicity study in cancer patients |
Fluoropyrimidines (5-fluorouracil, capecitabine and tegafur) are frequently used in solid tumor cancer therapies. Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) enzyme is responsible for the elimination of approximately 80% of administered dose of 5-FU. DPD deficiency has been associated with severe 5-FU toxicity. Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPYD) plays an important role in the metabolism of 5-FU, which can directly influence the pharmacokinetics and toxicity of 5-FU in patients undergoing chemotherapy. DPYD*5 gene mutation contribute to reduced DPYD enzyme activity and 5-FU dysmetabolism, which is associated with the accumulation of 5-FU and the chemotherapeutic toxicity in gastric carcinoma and colon carcinoma.
Fluoropyrimidines (5-fluorouracil, capecitabine and tegafur) are frequently used in solid tumor cancer therapies. However, high systemic exposure, or a limiting activity of the key metabolic enzyme dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) may cause severe fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity in some patients. Up to 9% of Caucasian population have low levels of a working DPD enzyme, and up to 0.5% completely lack the enzyme. DPYD testing is therefore recommended before starting treatment with fluoropyrimidines to reduce the risk of severe and life-threatening side effects. The CPIC provided guidelines for the interpretation of clinically relevant DPYD genotypes and fluoropyrimidine dosing.
9. Toxicology and Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery |
Preclinical development encompasses the activities that link drug discovery in the laboratory to initiation of human clinical trials. Preclinical studies are designed to identify a lead candidate from several hits; develop the best procedure for new drug scale-up; select the best formulation; determine the route, frequency, and duration of exposure; and ultimately support the intended clinical trial design. The details of each preclinical development package can vary, but all have some common features. Mouse and Rat models have been used to delineate the pharmacokinetic profile and general safety, as well as to identify toxicity patterns. They are also used to determine the drug's mean residence time in the body, which depends on inherent absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion properties. The research team is engaged in development of drugs against Cancer, Diabetes and development of antidotes against toxicants.
Various preclinical study is done for the toxicological evaluation of various chemicals which are causing health hazards in humans. Assessment of Pesticides & Heavy metals in human blood & tissue samples, water, soil & food samples through HPLC & AAS.
We have discovered various anti-cancer drugs which have published in Nature Journal – Scientific Reports and Sage Journal of Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research.
10. Animal Karyotyping |
Cancer is a genetic disease, caused by genomic mutations leading to the aberrant function of genes. Those mutations ultimately give cancer cells their proliferative nature. Hence, inferring the evolution of these mutations is an important problem in the research of cancer. Chromosomal mutations that shuffle/ delete/ duplicate large genomic fragments are common in cancer. Many methods for detection of chromosomal mutations use chromosome painting techniques, such as G banding, to achieve a visualization of cancer cell genomes.
A virtual karyotype can be generated from different tumor. We are doing karyotyping for detection of genotoxicity of different environmental pollutant including arsenic and pesticide toxicity in pre-clinical study also. We have prepared chromosomal map for our experimental animal Swiss albino mice.
11. Medicinal Chemistry |
Many medicinal substances are temperature sensitive; it is vital that the correct temperature control equipment is used to separate active ingredient of medicinal plants. Rotary evaporators effectively separate one or more specific solvents from suspension using a combination of both endothermic evaporation and exothermic condensation because it is temperature dependent system. In order to ensure that the compound of interest is effectively separated, the evaporation temperature must be accurately maintained, making temperature-controlled water an integral component. During the condensation phase, cooling must be accurately controlled by condensation unit. Through Rota vapour we will fractionate medicinal plants on the basis of polarity. Still we are working on more than 20 medicinal plants in our lab.
In second stage the fractionated substances were subjected to High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for isolation of active ingredient of that medicinal plant. HPLC will be useful for classification of medicinal chemistry of selected medicinal plants.
Various medicinal plants are being studied as antidotes against pesticides, heavy metal toxicity & immunomodulation study against cancer chemotherapy. At this centre bio-remedial approach for treating Cancer is performed with the help of different medicinal plants either in separate form or synergistic form.
Researchers |
Within the excellent facilities a group of Research Scientists and Doctors are carrying out research work using latest techniques on sophisticated instruments. The Research Centre provides a conducive workplace, supporting researchers as they pioneer together towards new scientific breakthroughs in the fight against cancer.
The MCSRC Centre facilitates the support of outstanding and devoted students at the forefront of research innovation. The Centre maintains very close bonds with the other departments of institute providing first-rate academic infrastructure required for the training and management of its students and researchers.
All research members have access to common areas, cutting edge equipment, core facilities and resources.
Research Facilities: |
In order to harness the full potential of its investigative efforts, the Research Centre organizes research along following cohesive themes:
Fundamental Research:
1. Human Cancer Research
2. Etiology of Cancer
3. Cancer Epidemiology
4. Anti- Cancer Drug Development
5. Medicinal Chemistry Study
Applied Research:
1. Molecular diagnostics of cancer patients through Gene Amplification.
2. BCR-ABL Gene study in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.
3. Incidence of HPV DNA in male suffering with Penile Cancer.
4. Incidence of HPV DNA in female suffering with Cervical Cancer.
5. Incidence of Her2Neu in female suffering with Breast Cancer.
6. EGFR Gene Analysis for lung cancer patients.
Facilities for these studies:
1. DNA Isolation and its Quantification
2. RNA Isolation and its Quantification
3. C-DNA Library
4. Gene Mutations Study
5. Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) for molecular diagnostics
6. Drug Discovery and drug development against cancer
7. To Know the cancer etiology -Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer for heavy metals study for detection and quantification
8. Toxicological study
9. High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) for medicinal chemistry
10. Animal house facility for in vivo toxicological studies.
Training Facility:
The department facilitates research training to B.Sc/ B.Tech, M.Sc./ M.Tech./ M.Pharma and Ph.D (in Life Sciences, Biotechnology etc.) students coming from different Universities and institutes of India.
Researchers |
• Specialized Laboratory Instruments for Research |
Laboratory- 1 |
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer: |
(AAS Pinnacle 90T) with 8 Lamps for estimation of Heavy Metals (Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Iron, Aluminum etc.). The instrument is utilized for assessment of heavy metals in blood and tissue samples of Cancer patients, Arsenic hit area village people etc. |
Laboratory- 2 |
High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC): |
The instrument is utilized for estimation of Organochlorine and Organophosphate pesticides. It is also used in Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Delivery. |
Rota Vapour: |
This machine is utilized for separation of polar and Non-polar compounds. This novel machine is used in Medicinal Chemistry. |
U.V Vis Spectrophotometer: |
This instrument is utilized for Biochemical assay, Antioxidant assay and Reactive Oxygen Species assay in blood & tissues samples of Cancer patients. |
ELISA Reader: |
The instrument is utilised for enzyme linked assays such as hormonal assay(testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, lutenising, oxytocine, prolactin), TNF-alpha, IL- 6, IL-1B, IL-1, Taurine, p53, CA-19.9, PSA, CEA, insulin, assays etc |
Electrophoresis: |
The instrument is utilized for the molecular biology study on DNA and Proteins. |
CO2 Incubator: |
The instrument is used in scientific research to grow and maintain cell cultures. This is designed to maintain a constant temperature and high humidity for the growth of tissue culture cells under a CO2 atmosphere. |
Digital Weighing Balance: |
This instrument is used to weighing the all the chemicals and all the medicinal plants. |
Laboratory- 3 |
Digital Microtome: |
The instrument is utilized for pathological tissue study of Animal samples. |
Digital Cooling Centrifuge : |
The instrument is utilized for various biochemical studies |
Laboratory- 4 |
Real Time PCR: |
The instrument is utilized for diagnosis of mutated Cancer Genes. |
Digital Deep Freezer : |
A) -80 Degree: The instrument with – 80 Degree Celsius temperature is utilized for storage of RNA specimens, Cancer tissues and blood samples for various studies and diagnostics.
B) –20 Degree: Laboratory Deep freezers play important role in safe storage of reagents, and other temperature sensitive specimens for diagnostic and research purposes that require freezing temperature up to -20 degree.
Animal House |
Facilities for housing and experimentation of animals are available. An Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) has been constituted. The animal house is registered from CPCSEA (Committee for the purpose of Control and supervision of Experiments on Animals), Ministry of Environment & Forests, Chennai for “Research & Breeding” of small animals like Mouse, Rats, Guinea pigs & Rabbits under registration number – 1129/bc/07/CPCSEA.
It is expected that this centre will undertake experiments on animals with funding from National & International agencies.
This institute is also recognized by Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India under the scheme on Recognition of Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIROs) – 1988 |
Animal facilities for Research |
All facilities for surgery on animals
Haematological assay
Facilities for histopathology |
Hormonal assay
Biochemical assay
Probiotics study
Cytotoxic & genotoxic analysis
Microphotography &
Data compilation |
Our institute has following Research Collaborations |
• International Collaboration with University of Manchester, UK.
• International Collaboration with University of Leeds, UK.
• International Collaboration with University of Birmingham, UK.
• International Collaboration with University of Salford, UK.
• International Collaboration with University of Liverpool, UK.
• International Collaboration with Tu DELFT University, The Netherlands
• International Collaboration with Pure Earth Institute, USA.
• International Collaboration with INADS, USA.
• MoU with AIIMS, Patna, Bihar.
• MoU with Central University of South Bihar, Gaya.
• MoU with RMRI, Patna.
• MoU with Dr. B. Barooah Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Guwahati, Assam.
• MoU with National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Hajipur.
• Partnership with UNICEF, Bihar
• Partnership with WATERAID, Bihar |
Animal facilities for Research |
• All facilities for surgery on animals
• Haematological assay
• Facilities for histopathology
• Hormonal assay
• Biochemical assay
• Probiotics study
• Cytotoxic & genotoxic analysis
• Microphotography & Data compilation |
Projects sanctioned by Government of India: |
Ongoing Projects : |
- Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi (GoI), Project: Assessment of Female reproductive health and child health risks in Arsenic Exposed population of Bihar (P.I. – Dr. Arun Kumar & Co- P.I Prof. Ashok Kumar Ghosh).
- Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi (GoI), Project: Co-relation of pesticide exposed karyotype variation and reproductive disorders in Swiss albino mice (P.I. – Prof. Ashok Kumar Ghosh & Co-P.I - Dr. Arun Kumar).
- DST (GoI) TRIBUTE GANGA Sanctioned Project (P.I. – Prof. Ashok Kumar Ghosh)
- International Research Project DST- NERC- FAR Ganga Project (Recent sanctioned). The 04 collaborators are University of Manchester, UK, Mahavir Cancer Sansthan, IIT Khargapur, IIT Roorkee and National Institute of Hydrology (NIH), Roorkee. (P.I – Prof. Ashok Kumar Ghosh).
Completed Projects:
- Title: International Research Project DST- UKIERI (NUTRISAM). The 03 collaborators are Salford University, UK, Mahavir Cancer Sansthan & Research Centre and A.N. College, Patna (P.I – Prof. Ashok Ghosh, Co-P.I. Dr. Arun Kumar & Dr. Md. Ali).
- National Research Project on Relationship between arsenic exposure and gall bladder cancer in Bihar and Assam in collaboration with PHFI, Delhi and Dr B.Barooah Cancer Hospital, Guwahati (P.I – Prof. Ashok Ghosh)
- Title: International DELTAP Project in collaboration with Technical University Delft, The Netherlands, Dhaka University, Bangladesh and Mahavir Cancer Sansthan (P.I – Prof. Ashok Ghosh).
- Title: Assessment of arsenic in the village Simri of Buxar district of Bihar. Sponsored by Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, Govt. of India (P.I. Dr. Arun Kumar).
- Title: Protective effect of few medicinal plant extracts on pesticide induced reproductive disorders in mice, Sponsored by Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, Govt. of India.
- Title: Estimation of pesticides and heavy metals in people of Bihar and Linkage with Cancer. Sponsored by Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, Govt. of India.
- Title: Study of arsenic accumulation in people of Bihar and its correlation with arsenic induced carcinogenicity in animal models. Sponsored by Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, Govt. of India.
Achievements (Last 05 Years) : -
Research Department in collaboration with University of Manchester, UK carried out joint research work in Bihar.
Research Department in collaboration with Pure Earth, USA carried out joint research work in Patna.
Research Department in collaboration with Aga Khan, Samastipur carried out joint research work in Samastipur.
Research Department’s faculty Dr. Mohammad Ali received Best Poster Award in 5th Molecular Oncology Society Conference held in February 2020.
Research Department initiated the installation of Arsenic removal plant in Sabalpur Purvi Village, Sonepur, Saran district Bihar with the help of WaterAid Bihar and Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CSIR-CGRI), Kolkata through Dr. Swaccha Majumdar on 12th December 2019.
Research Department initiated the installation of Arsenic removal plant in Badka Rajpur Village, Buxar, Bihar with the help of WaterAid Bihar and Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CSIR-CGRI), Kolkata through Dr.Swaccha Majumdar on 13th November 2019.
Research Department facilitated the DST-NERC FAR GANGA Project work sampling work in Bihar from 08th November 2019 till date with University of Manchester & University of Birmingham, UK (Dr. Laura Richards, Mr. Ben Howard, Sam Addison and Prof. Stefan Krause).
Research Department faculty as an expert presented presentation on “Arsenic Catastrophe in Bihar causing high cancer risk in the population inhabiting in the Gangetic Plains” organized by Geological Survey of India, Patna in a training programme entitled “Course on Medical and Environmental Geology” on 31st May, 2021. (Dr. Arun Kumar).
Research Department faculty as an expert presented presentation on “Arsenic catastrophe in Bihar state causing high cancer risk in the exposed population: Assessment of disease burden in prospect to Covid-19” organized by National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Hajipur (NIPER-H), Bihar in a web-based lecture series on 21st May, 2021. (Dr. Arun Kumar).
Research Department faculty as an expert presented presentation on “Groundwater Arsenic Poisoning and Health Status of the Exposed Population of Bihar” organized by Centre for Geographical Studies, Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna in a 12th web-based lecture series on 16th January, 2021. (Dr. Arun Kumar).
Research Department faculty as an expert presented presentation on “Assessment of Arsenic in Groundwater and its impact on Public Health” organized by Shobhit University, Saharanpur, UP in an invited lecture on 22nd August, 2020. (Dr. Arun Kumar).
Research Department faculty as an expert presented presentation on “Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment” organized by Geological Survey of India, Patna in a training programme on 19th June, 2020. (Dr. Arun Kumar).
Research Department faculty as an expert presented presentation on “Arsenic exposure in population of Bihar due to drinking of contaminated water and cancer incidences: Present perspectives and future directions” organized by Bihar Agriculture University, Bhagalpur, Bihar as a keynote lecture in a webinar on 29th May, 2020. (Dr. Arun Kumar).
Research Department faculty as an expert presented presentation on “Environmental Pollution and Cancer” organized by Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Kangra, as a keynote lecture in a webinar on 29th May, 2020. (Dr. Arun Kumar).
Research Department’s faculty was invited as Evaluator in Basic Scientific Research presentations – Undergraduate students of Zoology Department of Patna Women’s College, Patna University, Patna, Bihar on 21st and 25th November 2019. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculty was invited in Workshop as Expert on theme “Air pollution and its health impacts” and discussed about Arsenic Poisoning and Lung Cancer Incidences in Bihar”, Organised by Centre for Environment and Energy Development (CEED), New Delhi on 28th September 2019. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculty was invited in Workshop as Expert on theme “CSO Consultation on Drinking Water Security and Quality” and discussed about Arsenic Poisoning and Health Hazards in Bihar”, Organised by WaterAids Bihar on 17th September 2019 in Patna, Bihar. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculty was invited as an Expert in the Arsenic Meeting for awareness on “Arsenic Poisoning and Health Hazards” among students and State Health Department workers in Bihar Agriculture University, Bhagalpur organized by SaciWaters on 19th September 2019. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculties were invited as an Expert in joint workshop organised by DST- NERC FAR GANGA and DST- UKIERI Project in Bihar State Pollution Control Board, Patna, Bihar on 13th September 2019.
Research Department facilitated the joint field work of DST- NERC FAR GANGA and DST- UKIERI Project in severe arsenic affected area -Chapar village of Mohiuddinagar Block of Samastipur district of Bihar on 11th September 2019.
Research Department facilitated the MoU meeting of Mahavir Cancer Sansthan and Research Centre and Banaras Hindu University as Principal Investigator for project on “Novel drug development against Breast Cancer” in Varanasi on 08th July 2019.
Research Department facilitated the DST-NERC FAR GANGA Project work sampling work in Bihar from 04th June 2019 to 14th June 2019 with University of Manchester, UK (Dr. Laura Richards).
Research Department’s faculties initiated the assessment of Arsenic poisoning in severe arsenic affected area - Chapar village of Mohiuddinagar Block of Samastipur district of Bihar on 8th to 17th April 2019 through the grant sanctioned by WaterAid, Bihar.
Research Department facilitated the team of University of Liverpool (Dr. Pascal Salaun and Arthur Gourain) for the field work in severe arsenic affected area -Chapar village of Mohiuddinagar Block of Samastipur district of Bihar on 15th June 2019.
Research Department’s faculty was invited as an Expert in the Arsenic Meeting for awareness on “Arsenic Poisoning and Health Hazards” organized by SaciWaters at Simri Block, Buxar, Bihar from 27-28 April 2019. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculty was invited as an Expert in the Arsenic Meeting on “Arsenic Poisoning and Health Hazards” organized by SaciWaters at Pirpainti, Bhagalpur, Bihar from 22-23 April 2019. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculty was invited to Manchester as Co- Investigator, in Project work of the international research project DST- NERC, “Far Ganga Project on Arsenic” in collaboration with University of Manchester, U.K. from 19th March – 06th April 2019. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculty was invited as Expert on theme “Water contamination by Fluoride and its remediation” on block level awareness program in Gaya on 12th January 2019, organized by WaterAid Bihar. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculty participated and represented alone from state Bihar in “International Workshop of INDO- UK (British Council and Newton Bhabha Fund) on Towards a new generation of arsenic removal plants in India, CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata, Sept 24 to 27, 2018. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculties were invited in the workshop of the International research project DST- NERC, “Far Ganga Project on Arsenic” in collaboration with University of Manchester, U.K. on 21st July – 23rd July 2018, Varanasi, UP.
Research Department’s faculties were invited in the workshop of the International research project DST- UKIERI, “NUTRISAM” Nature and Nurture of Arsenic in collaboration with Salford University, U.K. on 19th July 2018, Patna, Bihar.
Research Department’s faculty participated as Speaker in Gallbladder Cancer Consortium meeting on topic Gallbladder Cancer and Arsenic, on 18th July 2018 at MCSRC, Patna, Bihar. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculty participated as Expert in Roundtable meeting on “Bridging the Data Gap- Towards better Monitoring and Public Access to Air Quality Data” Organised by Centre for Environment and Energy Development (CEED) on July 7, 2018 in Patna. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculty participated as Expert in Roundtable meeting on “Bridging the Data Gap- Towards better Monitoring and Public Access to Air Quality Data” Organised by Centre for Environment and Energy Development (CEED) on March 9, 2018 in Patna. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculty participated as a Panelist in the Arsenic Dissemination Meeting organized by SaciWaters and Arsenic Knowledge and Action Network at Hyderabad from 23-24 February 2017. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department’s faculty Co-ordinated the Workshop on “Hands on Skill Worksop on Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer” at Mahavir Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Patna, Bihar, India on 01-02 December 2017. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department organised Health camp at Simri village of Buxar district of Bihar in collaboration with SACI-Waters September 2017. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department facilitated Training to PHED Chemists as expert, GoB in a Workshop organised by WaterAid, Bihar in November 2017. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department organised Health camp in 02 villages of Khagaria district of Bihar in collaboration with SACI-Waters August 2017. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department represented Mahavir Cancer Sansthan in Annual meeting of Indian Cancer Society, held at Mumbai in March 2017. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculty as an expert presented presentation on Arsenic, Water and Cancer Central Ground Water Board, MER, Patna in a training programme on "Aquifer Management Through Participatory Approach & Local Ground Water Issues" at Kisan Bhawan, Goraul, Vaishali on 24th March 2017. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculty participated in Workshop organized by Central Ground Water Board, New Delhi on “Arsenic Problems in ground water & its remediation in Ganga Basin” on 7th March 2017 at Scope Complex New Delhi. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculty participated as stakeholder in kick-off workshop of the International research project DELTAP, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands in collaboration with Uttara University and Dhaka University in Bangladesh, and Anugrah Narayan College on November 26th, 2016 New Delhi. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculties participated in kick-off workshop of the International research project DST- UKIERI, “NUTRISAM” Nature and Nurture of Arsenic in collaboration with Salford University, U.K. on 12th April 2017 26th, Patna.
Research Department faculty participated in Workshop as Invited Expert on “Arsenic Problem in Ground Water and Its Remediation In Ganga Basin” Organised by Central Ground Water Board, New Delhi on 07th March 2017. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculty was Organising Secretary of National Symposium- 2017, held at Mahavir Cancer Sansthan, Patna on 16th January 2017. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculty was evaluator in Basic Scientific Research presentations – Undergraduate students of Zoology Department of Patna Women’s College, Patna University, Patna, Bihar on 25th October 2016. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculty was Arsenic Expert in a Workshop on “Arsenicosis and Fluorosis Awareness Workshop for Water Quality” Arsenic Knowledge and Action Network (Saci Waters) & Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement Raichur, Raichur, Karnataka, India on 11 March 2016. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculty Co-ordinated a Workshop on “Hands on Skill Worksop on Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer” at Mahavir Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Patna, Bihar, India on 02-03 November 2015. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculty Co-ordinated a Workshop on “Hands on Skill Worksop on RT PCR” at Mahavir Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Patna, Bihar, India on 21-22 November 2015. (Dr. Mohammad Ali)
Research Department faculty was Resource person in a UNICEF meeting on “UNICEF’s Global WASH Strategy”, Organised by UNICEF on 22 April 2015 at Patna, Bihar. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculty was invited by University of Manchester, UK for Gall Bladder Cancer Research study in March – April 2019 (Dr. Arun Kumar).
Research Department HoD was invited by University of Manchester, UK to participate in a Workshop to discuss different ground water contamination issues and its impact on Women Health in March 2017 (Prof. Ashok Ghosh).
Research Department faculties were Invited by Salford University, UK to participate in a Workshop of DST- UKIERI Project NUTRISAM (Prof. Ashok Ghosh & Dr.Ranjit Kumar)
Research Department faculties were invited in a training at DIHAR, DRDO, Leh, Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir (Prof. Ashok Ghosh & Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculty was invited in a training at MyLabs for Molecular Diagnostics (Dr. Mohammad Ali).
Research Department Organised kick off meeting of project DELTAP held at New Delhi in collaboration with Technical University Delft, The Netherlands, Dhaka University, Bangladesh and MCSRC (Prof. Ashok Ghosh).
Research Department faculty carried out the establishment of Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory in Research Department (Dr. Mohammad Ali).
Research Department Organised National Symposium – Environment & Health – 2017 on 16th January 2017.
Research Department Organised Hands on Skill Workshop on Real Time PCR in the department. 20 delegates were trained through the workshop.
Research Department Organised Health camp at Simri village of Buxar district of Bihar in collaboration with SACI-Waters. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department Organised Health camp in 02 villages of Khagaria district of Bihar in collaboration with SACI-Waters. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department of Mahavir Cancer Sansthan was invited in Arsenic task force constituted by PHED, Government of Bihar. (Prof Ashok Ghosh and Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department of Mahavir Cancer Sansthan was invited in task force of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Bihar. (Prof Ashok Ghosh and Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department initiated the installation of Arsenic Removal Unit in village Tilak Rai Ka Hatta of Buxar district in Collaboration with Tagore Sengupta Foundation and Lehigh University, USA (Prof. Ashok Ghosh and Dr. Arun Kumar).
Research Department organised talk of 02 International speakers in MCS – Dr. Dhruv Kumar, University of Kansas Medical Centre, Kansas, USA and Dr. Nandita Singh, KTH University, Stockholm, Sweden in 2016.
Research Department organised talk of international speaker in MCS – Dr. Awadhesh Jha, Plymouth University, UK.
Research Department initiated MoU with Central University of Bihar for Research and academic studies. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department organised SACI-Waters state level meeting in MCS – for mitigation of Arsenic in Bihar. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department faculty facilitated Training to PHED Chemists, GoB in a Workshop organised by WaterAid, Bihar. (Dr. Arun Kumar)
Research Department has made One hundred six research publications and Six International Book chapters published in year 2009-2021.
Members of Research Centre |
Prof. Ashok Kr. Ghosh (HOD)
Dr. Arun Kumar
(Scientist - I) |
Dr. Mohammad Ali
(Scientist - I) |
Mr. P. K. Niraj (Research Assistant) |
Mr. Mukesh Kumar (Research Assistant) |
Miss. Shrinu Singh (Research Assistant)
Contact E- mail : |
mcsresearch7@gmail.com |
Contact Numbers: |
7091490890, 7091492760 (Ext. 307) (O)
9334740800 (AK), 9334643071 (MA). |
Academics & Research Centre Board |
Research Module for Training |
Research Training Application Form |